I'm back...not that I ever really went anywhere.

Ok--so significant changes are about to take place and since I have completed the 'class attendance' portion of my academic career and am about to embark on a new stage--I thought I would revive my blog and really start cranking out the posts (translation~more than once every 3 months!).
In lieu of wallowing in the "why?" of why I have not made a post since the Kennedy administration (John F. not Jamie), I will dive headlong into where I am at--so as to bring those few (very few-you know who you are) loyal readers up to speed. I (we--for there is a 'better' half, much better) have been in school for some time. I graduated about six years ago with an undergrad in Psychology from UNC-Chapel Hill and then worked for a researcher at Duke University conducting neuropsychological test on patients with Schizophrenia, then worked at a mental health clinic in Salt Lake City on the same research--meanwhile applying to and failing to be accepted into a number of prestigious graduate programs in clinical psychology. I eventually began my graduate work in School Psychology at a university in Alabama in the fall of 2002. I have come to the conclusion of my course work for a PhD in School Psychology and am now preparing to move to North Carolina and complete my first year of work, which will also serve as a year-long internship and will also, hopefully allow me to finish that pesky writing assignment called the dissertation.
I'll let you know how it goes...