I just wanted to keep the momentum and add an entry before more than a week had passed. I (we) just returned from (almost) a week in NC looking for places to live and interviewing. The two interviews went fine--one school system wanted to hire me, but was a bit too small and was not able to provide the additional training I would need to fulfill my program's internship requirements. The other interview went well and I was offered the position a few days later. I am still a little hesitant to break out the champagne, but it looks to be certain (sounds like a quote from a Magic 8-ball).
In addition, we also found a nice new apartment complex to move into (renting a house would have been preferred, but these are more far and few between than one might think--at least of any significant quality). We'll be making the move at the end of June. I'll probably come back to Alabama to work for a few weeks as I don't start my new job until the school year starts in August. Should be interesting.
At 10:48 PM,
W. said…
Good luck with all that, doc.
At 10:40 AM,
Fitz said…
End of June, huh. Man I wish I could help you move but I'll be at the beach.
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